PlayStation 2: From A to Z – The Letter “H”

The From A to Z series lets our editors go back and take a look at games from past generations that are classics, overlooked gems, or just titles they remember fondly. The idea behind this is to pick five games from each letter of the alphabet, once a week to showcase. This delivers 26 weeks and 130 games to talk about. Hopefully it sparks some conversation, and of course plenty of memories.

Our second series will focus on Sony’s sophomore entry into the console business, the PlayStation 2.

Let’s continue with the letter “H”.


Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law

Yet another Adult Swim property on my list, I played this game even after owning an Xbox 360 for over a year. In a Phoenix Wright style, players took on the role of “Ace Attorney” Harvey Birdman as he tries to solve bizarre cases happening to the Hanna Barbara cartoon characters. I still can’t believe Capcom agreed to make this.



While not the greatest action game out there, I do remember playing this a decent amount. Back when renting a game was still a thing. One thing I do remember – the camera was a chore and a half to work around, but it did try to go for that epic feel multiple times.


Herdy Gerdy

A game that was more of a puzzle game than anything, players had to literally herd different types of animals around an area in a somewhat platform experience. I remember loving the art style back in the day.


Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

Actually the very first Hitman game I ever played. It was so interesting how many ways there were tackling a mission. The series lives on to this day due to how open everything really is. It’s a different brand of stealth action, and one that set the bar for the genre.


Hot Shots Golf 3

One of my favorite golf series out there, Hot Shots Golf 3 I remember playing far too much of in my teen years. It’s easy to pick up and play game play mixed with fluid controls and fun atmosphere really made it a sports game I could get into.

Tune in next week for the next collection of titles.

YouTube Credits:
John GodGames

Written by
Drew is the Community Manager here at ZTGD and his accent simply woos the ladies. His rage is only surpassed by the great one himself and no one should stand between him and his Twizzlers.