The From A to Z series lets our editors go back and take a look at games from past generations that are classics, overlooked gems, or just titles they remember fondly. The idea behind this is to pick five games from each letter of the alphabet, once a week to showcase. This delivers 26 weeks and 130 games to talk about. Hopefully it sparks some conversation, and of course plenty of memories.
Our second series will focus on Sony’s sophomore entry into the console business, the PlayStation 2.
Let’s continue with the letter “I”.
I actually didn’t play this game until after I had played Shadow of the Colossus. I enjoyed Shadow a lot and wanted to see what else the developers had done. Playing Ico was an interesting journey for me. To begin with, I wasn’t much of a fan of a glorified escort mission, but after getting a hang of it and seeing where the story went, I saw how brilliant the game actually was.
Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
Going back and thinking about this game, the only thing that comes to mind is how much fun it really was. When you’re someone like the Hulk smashing through the streets, you want to feel awesome. This game does that in spades. The developers would later go on to make a game similar in feel to this – Prototype.
Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb
Once again, while not the greatest game to hit the PS2, I do have fond memories of this game. I was and still am a huge Indiana Jones fan, and this was as close as I would come to a true video game representation of the whip-wielding adventurer. Let’s not talk about the later PS2 game in the series, The Staff of Kings. That one was…bad.
Indigo Prophecy
Known as Fahrenheit everywhere else, this was my first introduction to Quantic Dream’s games. With one hell of an opening, players take control of a man who may very well be a serial killer only he doesn’t know what is real and what isn’t. It was a very interesting game even if the ending climax was kind of dumb.
Tune in next week for the next collection of titles.
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Steel Banana