Author: Drew Leachman

Drew is the Community Manager here at ZTGD and his accent simply woos the ladies. His rage is only surpassed by the great one himself and no one should stand between him and his Twizzlers.

The Sims Medieval Review

Truth be told, I have never played a Sims game before. I know the general game play and how they work, but have never actually spent time with one of the titles before. Now, I have The Sims Medieval i...[Read More]

Shift 2: Unleashed Review

Two years ago, we got our hands on Need for Speed's take on "simulation" racing. It was a decent go for its first try. Now, we finally get the sequel to the arcade/simulation...

theHunter Review

I’m from Athens, Georgia. Now, most people would think that since I grew up in the South, I would know a lot about hunting. Well, apart from the very few times as a teenager...

Chime Super Deluxe Review

Last year, both the Xbox and PC owners got their hands on the highly-addictive puzzle game Chime. Now, it has finally come to the PS3 with a few updates and additions that make the game just that much...[Read More]

Back to the Future: The Game – Episode III: Citizen Brown Review

Another month has gone by and another Back to the Future episode has been released. Episode Three starts right up where Marty left off, returning back to 1986 only to...

MLB 11: The Show Review

I have to say, for a PSP title, the game is very competent. For a simulation baseball game, you can't really beat MLB 11 The Show. For beginner players like me, it may take a few hours to get into the...[Read More]

Dragon Age 2 Review

Two years ago, BioWare amazed RPG players with their incredible game, Dragon Age: Origins. The game was truly a work of art. Now, in 2011, we finally get our hands on the much anticipated sequel, Drag...[Read More]

Forsaken World Preview

Perfect World Entertainment has just released a new free to play MMORPG called Forsaken World. I had the pleasure of beta testing the game and continued playing through its official launch.