You’ve come a long way baby. Now, chances are if you are reading this review you already own one of EA’s previous FIFA games and have come to find out if it is worth shelling out for the l...[Read More]
Batteries and variety not included. Toy Soldiers was originally released back in March of this year. A Tower Defence game at its core, it also gave you the ability to take control of any of your weapo...[Read More]
Even musical monkeys cannot save this game. Now, before I begin my review I must mention that I will be making one or two comparisons to Flower. I try not to do this when I review games as it is unfai...[Read More]
Treyarch continues their excellence with the series. War. War never changes. Well at least it doesn’t in Activision’s universe. Back in 2007 the way we played first person shooters was cha...[Read More]
The series just keeps getting better and better. Let’s face it; Ubisoft didn’t exactly do a great job of promoting their latest offering. After the huge success of Assassin’s Creed 2...[Read More]
The Keflings return with lots of improvements. There’s one thing you can definitely say about Keflings; they sure are cute. Anyone who has played the first game, A Kingdom for Keflings, will kno...[Read More]