Author: Justin Testa

Justin is a quiet fellow who spends most of his time working on things in the back-end of the site. Every now and then he comes forward throwing a controller, but he is attending anger management for that.

Tecmo Bowl Throwback

I don’t want to grow up… Growing up, one of my fondest memories was that on every-other weekend, my Dad would take me and my brother to an arcade. I would do my runs on some pinball machin...[Read More]

Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3

While Xbox Live Arcade has the market cornered on puzzle games, the other genre it seems to be slowly working toward dominating is the shooter arena. With the success of Geometry Wars and all subseque...[Read More]

Assault Heroes 2

In the midst of playing all the great disc-based titles, it’s nice to sometimes just find a quick fix from Xbox Live Arcade. Now I know it sometimes can be hard to decide what game to buy considering ...[Read More]

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat

With as big of a company that EA is, one would think that it would release something original and fresh on a brand new console. So far if you look at the titles they have released on the Xbox 360; Mad...[Read More]

Big Bumpin’

What do you get when you combine a creepy fast food mascot with bumper cars? Big Bumpin. In this 1 of 3 $4 games only available at Burger King, you and 3 other players face off and knock the hell out ...[Read More]

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

An M-Rated Wolverine game? Sign me up! In the early ’90s, I entered the comic book phase of my life. While I read some stuff from DC and Image, I mainly read a couple of Marvel titles. One of those ti...[Read More]

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