Author: Ken McKown

Ken is the Editor-in-Chief of this hole in the wall and he loves to troll for the fun of it. He also enjoys long walks through Arkham Asylum and the cool air of Shadow Moses Island. His turn-ons include Mortal Kombat, Metal Gear Solid and StarCraft.

Hail to the Chimp

This one may be getting impeached. Hail to the Chimp is the first endeavor since ex-Bungie employees Wideload games finished their previous cult-hit: Stubbs the Zombie. Granted you would never know th...[Read More]

Halo 3

I have finished the fight. After three long years of anticipation Bungie has finally released their legendary opus to a nation of salivating Halo fanatics; most of which stood in line for hours to be ...[Read More]

Hammerin’ Hero

You certainly know what time it is… If there is one thing that the PSP is lacking, it is an abundance of mindless action games designed for attention-deficit gaming. Most hardcore gamers are cer...[Read More]

Happy Feet

The idea of releasing a new animated motion picture once a year isn’t a new one, nor is the idea of making a game to coincide with said movie to cash in on the phenomenon. Movie tie-in games have neve...[Read More]

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Do you fancy a game of Quidditch? The Harry Potter games have always been something of a conundrum. You see licensed games, especially ones based on movies tend to be on the far side of entertaining. ...[Read More]


In the realms of first person shooters one has stood the test of time as far as being one of the greats. That would be Doom DUH! Seriously though I never did get why so many people thought Half Life w...[Read More]


Yeah baby as the time draws closer and closer to the launch of the might box the games keep pouring in and we here at ZTGD wanna try and give you the heads up before you go out and spend all that hard...[Read More]

Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour

What do you get when you mix the play style of a DDR with the structure of Guitar Hero and mesh it together with the latest pop sensation (who also happens to be the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus, yes t...[Read More]