The guys bring back the term “Jimmy” and other useless references from the past.
Ken McKown
Jason Gambrel
Ryan Wombold
Justin Testa
Drew Leachman
Games Covered:
God of War: Ascension
Tomb Raider
MLB 13 The Show
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Urban Trial Freestyle
Etrian Odyssey IV
And more…
Running Time:
1:59:29 (55 MB)
+9,341 Kool-Aide points for the Rock N’ Roll Racing Reference…Oh man could THAT game ever use a reboot. “THe Stage is set, the green flag DROPS!” “Jake is DOMINATING the race!” “IVan scores a first place knockout, Rip finishes Second, Shred takes a weak third, Snake is in another time zone” I can’t believe I remembered all those quotes.
Hells yeah. Rock N’ Roll Racing was the jam back in the day.