Phoenix Down is hosted by Drew Leachman and Matt Quinn. Each segment focuses on an older game the duo decides upon with another member of the ZTGD crew or special guest. They play through and discuss the mechanics and how well it holds up today. It is the ultimate in backlog elimination.
The debut episode features the first half of the campaign for Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition.
Drew Leachman
Matt Quinn
Justin Testa
Running Time:
1:00:16 (55MB)
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This is horrible
Thanks, Petey! Make sure to leave us an iTunes review!
Retired Neenja
Great show fellas,….nice addtition to the “N4G radioz” (as Ken would say!). Like the bite size 1 hour format and talking about a game in detail.
I have played all of the Halo games and recently played/finished anniversary edition so it was good to hear your take(s) on it.
Looking forward to the next one….
Stay cool. Be cool.
Nice show guys, looking forward to the next one.