Phoenix Down is hosted by Drew Leachman and Matt Quinn. Each segment focuses on an older game the duo decides upon with another member of the ZTGD crew or special guest. They play through and discuss the mechanics and how well it holds up today. It is the ultimate in backlog elimination.
The latest series has the guys digging into one of the most popular JRPGs of the PSOne era.
Drew Leachman
Matt Quinn
Jason Gambrel
Running Time:
1:25:23 (78 MB)
Download Link
Haha I haven’t played this game since I was 13 as well…listening now. Props for reviving this one. Makin me wanna do another playthrough. :)
Hi guys, don’t misunderstand me, I laughed quite a few times and I understand the format and tone of your podcast now and I’ll keep coming back to listen about your thoughts as you play through the game. I have quite strong memories attached to it so I may have sounded pissed off or something but that’s not the case believe me, it just that as an 29 years old guy I miss the time when RPGs had stories so deep as these one (albeit not as straight forward or streamlined as modern RPGs) and I hate how FPS is the dominant genre in gaming right now.
If I may suggest, you can use one of these sites to refresh your memory while you record the podcast:
– First: a full playthrough recording of the game from a youtube user:
– Second: a text and image recap from one of these sites or many others:
About Xenosaga, like I said in my previous comment, was a re-imagining of the story that transpires in the supposed Episodes I through III. And as far as I know, Xenoblade Chronicles doesn’t have anything in common in terms of setting or direct relation on a story level, except certain themes (I’m currently playing it, better late than never). I do know that the recurring use of “Xeno” in the tittle was a kind of PR thing to make use of the brand recognition and fame of the creators, the original Japanese tittle was “Monado: Beginning of the World” but it got changed.
Sorry for making these long comments and not making much sense sometimes it’s quite late (almost 2 am) and my English it’s pretty lame too.
PS: If I don’t recall too badly it took me like 40 hours to finish Xenogears, good luck!. I’m looking forward to the episode when you encounter the two characters I hate the most (hint they serve as comic-relief, in classic J-RPG thing). Bye.
I made a mistake with the youtube link, the one I meant to post was: (the other one doesn’t cover the whole game like this one, although both have narration from the guys who made them which can be bothersome). Bye