When I finally sat down to put words to paper on Angry Birds Wii U, I was left wondering what else I could say that hasn’t already been said. Angry Birds is the biggest thing in gaming right now. Love it or hate it, everyone knows it, and nearly everyone has played it. That made me wonder why it was so late hitting the Wii U, the console it seems most likely to fit on. The use of the touchpad along with the audience seems ripe for the picking, but then again it is also $50 for a set of games anyone can obtain for one tenth of that on other platforms.
For those in the cheap seats, Angry Birds is a game where players launch various fowl at stacks of pigs and knock them down. Sell that in a boardroom and convince someone it is going to make billions. Somehow it did though, and it has slowly made its way to every console and device imaginable. Wii U and Wii are the last stops, and frankly I wondered why they didn’t make it into the console releases last year. Why it took nearly 12 months to port these games is an enigma in itself.
Still here we are, the Wii U is struggling and the Wii is dying, and Angry Birds is here, and to be fair while I had fun playing through it it for the 600th time, the charm is starting to fade. As one would imagine, the Wii U version allows players to play on the Gamepad, which makes it ideal for recreational (in-house) travel.
Angry Birds Trilogy contains a ton of content. It feels somewhat dirty complaining about the sheer amount of hours I could derive from this disc for the $50 price tag, but it is all about considering where else it is available, and how much it costs. Again anyone who owns a mobile device has likely played these games, and owned them all for under $10 new…years ago. That is where the problem arises, who is this collection for, the small install base of Wii U owners that somehow haven’t owned a tablet or phone in the past half-decade? It may sound snobbish, but let’s be fair. Angry Birds didn’t get popular by being a niche title.
Still for those that somehow have missed out on the craze there is a ton of content here for the price. Wii U owners end up better off with the Gamepad options, but if you do own a smart phone I think there are easier, and cheaper ways to experience this phenomenon.
Review copy of game provided by publisher.