It’s wrecking time.
It’s hard to imagine developer Game Freak creating anything outside of the Pokémon series. Every few years though it seems they feel the need to stretch their legs and build something outside of the phenomenon. Their last title was far from the Pikachu-catching variety with Tembo: The Badass Elephant, and now their most recent creation is finally coming to consoles in the form of Giga Wrecker Alt. This side-scrolling adventure combines physics-based puzzle and Metroidvania style progression with interesting combat to create a fun, albeit familiar adventure.
The game takes place in the not-so-distant future as players assume the role of Reika Rekkeiji who is a prisoner of the robotic race that has invaded Earth. The game begins with her escaping prison and being modified with augments that allow her to manipulate the environment around her. This is the crux of the game and how all upgrade paths progress.
MSRP: $24.99
Platforms: XB1 (reviewed), PS4, Switch, PC
Price I’d Pay: $19.99
Reika uses nanomachines to manipulate debris in the environment to kill enemies as well as solve puzzles. This is the entire game, and it increases in difficulty over time, adding enemies that require different tactics and more complex puzzles. It feels like a paint-by-numbers formula that is easy to replicate, but nearly impossible to perfect. Game Freak has done a good job in using the tools to create an interesting adventure with only a few setbacks. The upgrades come regularly and keep things fresh throughout the journey.
When Giga Wrecker works, it works well. The combat is satisfying, and like I said the change in enemy methods keeps things fresh. I really enjoyed figuring out how to take them down and executing it feels great. Where the game falls off is in its controls. Platformers live and die by the smallest things, such as jumping and traversal. I found myself loving the game one minute, while despising it the next. Jumping feels off, and some of the environmental puzzles are simple to figure out, but frustrating to execute. This crops up far too often for my liking.
It feels like this game is at constant odds with itself. Just when I would lose interest it would toss another unique puzzle my way and I would get interested again, only to be shot down a few screens later by some ridiculous shortcoming. Never has a game tossed my emotions into such fervor.
Visually I enjoy the style of the game even if it has a sort of “cheap” aesthetic. The characters are traditional anime-inspired, but the world is chock full of sharp edges and a gorgeous color palette. I also really loved the music throughout. It sets the mood for each of the four zones and crafts a world that is fun to just be in.
Giga Wrecker Alt. is a game that teeters on the brink of a great experience. It has some wonderful ideas that are hampered by the lackluster controls and frustrating execution. The world and its surroundings are great, the ideas are fantastic, but it just never hits that sweet spot of being something I felt compelled to keep coming back to. I struggled to get past some parts while others were a pure joy to play. It is the definition of mixed emotions.
Review copy of game provided by publisher.