Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind (XSX) Review

Monster of the week

We are in a beat ‘em up renaissance. Ever since the return of Streets of Rage companies have returned to the genre in full force. So, when I heard Digital Eclipse was making an entirely new entry in the genre, I was ecstatic. Who else would be perfectly tasked with this than the masters of classic game revival? Power Rangers was a little after my time, yes, I am that old, but I was definitely aware of its presence when I was younger. Rita’s Rewind manages to shove in a lot of fan service while also creating some truly unique stages that make this game super interesting. I do wish the actual combat was a little more fluid, but for anyone that grew up loving these Might Morphin’ heroes, they are in for a treat.

I had to do my research as I mentioned Power Rangers was a little past my childhood years. The story here is what the name implies. The game takes place in 2024, and Robo-Rita Repulsa is still dealing with those pesky Power Rangers (hey! They are old like me!) so she decides to take a trip back in time to team up with her younger self, who is not quite as mechanical. It is the quintessential storyline of eliminating your threat when they were young and inexperienced. This allows for the developers to focus more on the nostalgia of the series and add in some interesting plot twists.

MSRP: $34.99
Platforms: Xbox (reviewed), PlayStation, Switch, PC
Price I’d Pay: $29.99

Fans of the series will adore the amount of Easter Eggs and fan service tossed in here. Lots of original enemies and bosses make their way into the game in one form or another. Digital Eclipse has some fans on staff, or did copious amounts of homework. There are some deep cuts here that when I discovered, I was impressed. Characters that have a one-off appearance in the original series show up here, and that is just awesome. Reminds me a lot of the recent TMNT game with its cameos.

Stop me if you have heard this before. Rita’s Rewind is a beat ‘em up, which means players move from left to right and dispatch foes along the way. There will also be times when the screen locks in order to force players to take down a certain number of enemies to progress. This is broken up with various destructible objects along the way that may include health items. I kid of course, but the formula has not changed much in 40 years. Rita’s Rewind incorporates up to five players simultaneously either local or online, and like any other game of this type, it is best when played with friends.

The combat here is relatively simple with only one attack button and another for a special move. The attacks can be modified by using directions and there is a meter for the special move. These are as outrageous as one would expect from a Power Rangers game, and each one unique to each Ranger. My biggest issue is that the combat itself feels stiff. The hit boxes are confusing at times, and some attacks just lack that impact I expected from an over-the-top style game. I found myself in loops of swinging at air a lot, and the enemies, while varied, can get you into frustrating combos. They released a patch shortly after launch to remedy some of this, but it still exists now.

There are some unique twists here though that really carry this game. First up are the time tubes. These show up from time to time and are a battle against the clock. If you don’t destroy these, they will rewind time periodically, meaning you have to fight the same enemies over again. It is a neat concept that causes chaos. There are also levels that break the cycle…literally. These remind me of classic SNES Mode7 style sequences with all kinds of diversions. It really breaks up the monotony and makes moving from level to level much less tedious. It also looks really awesome.

Powering through the game feels like a season of the show, which is the highest compliment I can provide. Each series of stages are broken up into episodes, each with their own unique boss battles and 3D sequences. There is even an opportunity to morph into the Dino Megazord. This is awesome, and somehow, they made it work in co-op. Each ranger takes a turn at piloting this monstrosity and harkens back to passing controllers between friends. It really hits all the notes, now I just need some Cheetos and Mountain Dew to complete the trifecta.

Visually the game reminds me a lot of the recently released TMNT title. It has chunky pixels with slick animation and tons of color. I love it. The characters are a bit slim and short, but it works. The music is equally stellar with remixed versions of the theme and original tunes that mesh into an 8-bit symphony for the ears. This game hits all the right notes…literally.

Rita’s Rewind knows who its audience is and caters to it perfectly. If you have nostalgia for the show, this is a no-brainer. Even for someone like me who is aware of the series, but didn’t exactly have fond memories of it, I get what they are putting down. Combat can be stiff at times, but the break ups between levels really carries the experience.

Review copy of game provided by publisher.

  • 3D levels are incredible
  • Fantastic mixed soundtrack
  • Awesome sprite work
  • Combat has some issues
  • Can grow tedious at times
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Ken is the Editor-in-Chief of this hole in the wall and he loves to troll for the fun of it. He also enjoys long walks through Arkham Asylum and the cool air of Shadow Moses Island. His turn-ons include Mortal Kombat, Metal Gear Solid and StarCraft.