Killer Kombo with tons of content
NetherRealm Studios knows how to make a video game. While I am and always have been horrible at their fighting games, I can safely say I respect them. They are leaders in both content-filled games as well as some of the best-looking ones out there. When I had a chance to review Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate, now with the Xbox Series S/X enhancements, I jumped on board even though I’m complete garbage at this style of fighting game. It just goes to show how good they really are.
While MK11 originally released back in 2019, the developers have fully supported the game since it released. With new characters to play as, new costumes, and now even a new story mode, this game is jam-packed with content. There are a few changes to the gameplay as well. There are actually two meters to keep track of, an offense and defense meter that allow for different abilities and a new Fatal Blow that acts a lot like an X-Ray move but can only be used when low on health. It’s geared towards a more tide-turning battle system.
MSRP: $59.99
Price I’d pay: $59.99
Platforms: PC, XB1/XSX/XSS, PS4/PS5
One of the most impressive things about MK11 is the tutorial. Most fighting games have them, but MK11 takes it to a new level. They even go over frame data which is something the more hardcore players take note of. It’s impressive, and the tutorial along with all the character specific trainings can last players over an hour. If there is one thing other fighting games should do it is mimic this tutorial. I was able to learn the ins and outs of the game in one easy area, and it was always there for me when I needed to check on something.
There are two stories told here, both with that movie style quality players have come to expect with NetherRealm games. All of it is acted and played out impressively and looks phenomenal in 4K HDR. That’s the game changer. On Xbox Series X, this game is a looker, both through cutscenes as well as during gameplay. Now, that’s not to say it doesn’t have its hiccups. Running around the Krypt trying to unlock items and currency, I had the game glitch out on me twice, and one time it even hard locked my Xbox. This may be an issue with the Xbox Series X being such a new console, but I can say that this sort of thing hasn’t happened on any other game I have played on my new system.
Along with weekly challenges, multiple towers to play, and the robust story mode, there is also the online versus. In the few matches that I played, while I got the ever-loving snot kicked out of me, the game and the online ran smooth as I could have hoped for with almost no lag to be seen. It is an impressive game, both visually and in the gameplay department.
The Ultimate version comes with every DLC released so far, including the first Kombat Pack, the story expansion, and the all new Kombat Pack 2 that includes new characters like Rain, Mileena, and John Rambo. Let’s not forget, MK11 has an insane roster to play as including RoboCop, The Terminator, and the Joker. Even thinking about it has my mind blown at the characters and the fan service that has been squeezed in this package.
Obviously, if you already own MK11 in some form, going for this Ultimate version is a bit redundant. I would suggest getting everything you wanted piecemeal through your respective online store, but if you haven’t picked up this game yet or have just got yourself a shiny new system and are looking for a great looking, great playing fighting game, you just found it here. I highly suggest this title to any fighting game fan.
Review copy of game provided by publisher.