Pepper Grinder (PC) Review


Pepper Grinder is two games that use the same mechanics but in very different ways.

The first game is a fast-paced momentum-based platformer. Think the way a dolphin moves through the water, Pepper with Grinder in hand can do the same to dirt, snow, sand, etc. It’s a really interesting mechanic to base levels around and I love this portion of the game. I’m not great at it, but I know I could learn to run through them quicker and without fail eventually. There’s five skull coins to collect in each stage and they present a great amount of challenge to not only find but get on top of the fairly difficult platformer this game already is. However, this game is also fair and never punishes the player too harshly probably because controlling the digging is a bit unwieldy.

MSRP: $14.99
Platforms: PC (reviewed), Switch
Price I’d Pay: $14.99

The second game is the boss battles that vary in quality but are overall not fun. Thankfully they are a small portion of the full game that is Pepper Grinder, but each one is less fun than the next. It really shows the unwieldiness of the digging mechanic because unlike levels that have some momentum in their layout the boss stages are arenas that restrict movement and focus on combat which is not something most stages are focused on. I would be far less critical if it weren’t for the fact the bosses go on for way too long, so I had to spend more time with them than the rest of the game as I failed to beat them over and over again. As a gate to progress this is a problem. A slightly smaller health pool for the bosses would fix most of my issues.

Overall, Pepper Grinder is a very good game. Some stages have unique gimmicks that blend well with the base move set, others just challenge players with the basics. I like Pepper, she has a lot of character for a silent protagonist and the soundtrack is quite good too. There’s a lot to like with Pepper Grinder, I just really wish the boss battles were better or absent because they weigh down the rest of the experience.

Review copy of game provided by publisher.

  • Momentum based gameplay is fun
  • Unique platforming
  • Gimmick stages are fun
  • Presentation is great
  • Platforming stages have the perfect difficulty
  • Boss battles are not fun, but are thankfully in short numbers
Written by
Anthony is the resident Canadian. He enjoys his chicken wings hot and drinks way too much Coca-Cola. His first game experience was on his father's Master System and he is a loyal SEGA fanboy at heart.