Forget all you have read about this game so far.Why? Because it is all wrong. This is the perfect example of why you should never take game critics, including my self, too serious. After all we are just a bunch of self claimed game experts, always going on about small irrelevant details, analyzing games to death. You see that is the problems with all experts, they get so focused on the small details that they fail to see the bigger picture. Sadly Rise of Honour has become a victim for this strange phenomenal, so to balance things up a bit I will now tell you why this game is worth your money. And the answer is easy; it is so easy that most game critics out there failed to see it.
Be honest with your self, how many times haven’t you eagerly walked to your local game store to get the game that every game magazine and games site gave 9 out 10. You have been drooling at screenshots for months and now you finally get to play it. As you play you get this uncomfortable feeling inside you, something is very wrong, you just don’t know what. But the truth is that you actually know very well what is wrong, you just have a hard time facing the truth. You want to enjoy the game so much, and every body is going on and on about how great it is, the slick graphics, the awesome sound, the amazing characters. Still you just can’t help to feel that something is terribly wrong. Until you finally give up and admit to yourself, despite all the hype and rave reviews, the game just isn’t fun-no even worse, it’s dreadfully boring. If you never have experienced this than you need to start buying games more often.
Now back to Rise to Honour, a game that despite all the negative reviews actually is fun to play. The game is set up like a kung fu B-movie. You play as Jet Li, fighting and shooting your way from start to finish. The game uses a new and innovative fighting system. Instead of pulling punches and kicks with the buttons, you hit the right analog stick in the directions you want to attack. This lets you attack enemies from all angles with ease, and the end result is just like watching a Jet Li movie.
Simply put the game is just a ******* blast to play, I have never had such fun playing through a game in a long time. The game is far from perfect, but I mean as long as a game is fun, who cares about the rest. The reason we all started playing games in the first place was to have fun now wasn’t it? How can I not recommend a game that succeeds in the most fundamental aspect of gaming, where so many other games seem to fail? It doesn’t matter how beautiful or perfect your girl is if she is not laughing at your jokes right? With that said I’m gonna end my review of Rise to Honour. If you are a big fan of kung fu movies then you will love Rise to Honour.