That Other ninja game…
If I had a nickel every time I talked about how good we have it right now when it comes to getting remakes and remasters for old games, I would have a boatload of nickels. Still whenever I see a truly obscure game dropping a full-on remake, I get excited. Shadow of the Ninja is a lesser-known game from the NES era that was just as fun and just as challenging as Ninja Gaiden. Now in the year of our lord 2024, we are getting a chance to revisit this classic with one of the best-looking remakes I have ever seen. The pixel art here is amazing and the game play is just as hard as it ever was. Is it perfect? No, but it comes really close to being one of the best remakes in a while.
Shadow of the Ninja Reborn is a side-scrolling action game from the NES era. What set it apart from other titles though was its inclusion of two-player co-op. The story follows two ninjas named Hayate and Kaeda who set out to take down an evil dictator in the future world of 2029 in a dystopian version of the United States. Sure, it is pure cliche narratives from the 90s, but it works. It is also wild that we are closer to 2029 than the original release date of this game. Time flies when you are getting old.
MSRP: $19.99
Platforms: Xbox (reviewed), PlayStation, Switch, PC
Price I’d Pay: $19.99
It is worth noting right out of the gate, this game is hard. Back in the NES era games were known for being ridiculously challenging, and Shadow of the Ninja is no different. The game requires patience and a little memorization. It is not something you can mash buttons through. The main game can be completed in less than two hours, but most people won’t as they rack up death after death. This game is punishing at times, but it always had me coming back.
Each character in the game has two base attacks consisting of a sword and chain hook. One is closer range, while the other is good for hitting enemies above and at a distance. They can both be powered up like whip upgrades in Castlevania. There are also a host of sub weapons that can be acquired along the way. Once picked up, they become available for future runs. The menu for selecting these is cumbersome though. You must hold down a shoulder button to cycle through them. Sadly, the health items are also in this menu, the game also doesn’t slow down when selecting. This led to many of my deaths.
Each character also has a variety of moves such as wall climbing and a dash move. These are extremely helpful at times, but the game does a poor job of telegraphing when they should be used at times. Again, this led to a number of deaths. This game is hard, but also makes itself more frustrating when things are not always clear. The save system is also weird. You must die in order to record progress. If you simply choose to quit, it doesn’t save. This seems like an oversight, and I hope it gets changed over time.
The biggest change to this game though is its visuals. Including the original was brilliant as you can easily see what was done. These are some of the most gorgeous pixel graphics I have seen in a long time. The animations are stellar, the enemy designs are interesting, and the stages are frantic. I love every second of it. This is a game I could simply watch and have a good time. The music is equally impressive with remixed versions of the original tunes. This is one amazing package that has been brought into the current generation with love and care.
Shadow of the Ninja Reborn is a must-play for anyone with nostalgia for the NES era, and likely more than that. The upgraded visuals are outstanding. The music is top-tier, and the game play is exact and precise. The difficulty may turn off some, but it can be beaten with persistence, and it is worth it. Definitely recommended.
Review copy of game provided by publisher.