Garcia Hotspur is a great name for a demon hunter
The 360/PS3 era was a wonderful time for weird and new types of games. One of those collaborations was a little game bringing two of the most iconic developers of all time together. Shadows of the damned was a brainchild from Suda51 and Shinji Mikami, who worked on titles like Killer7 and Resident Evil respectively. What we got was a game that featured the weird and wacky side of Suda’s storytelling with the horror and design of Mikami. Shadows of the Damned is a game that I have not been able to forget ever since I finished it nearly 15 years ago. The game has now been remastered for a new generation, which means it is time for a whole new slate of players to get to experience one of the greatest and weirdest games ever conceived.
For those that weren’t around when this game originally came out I will break down the premise quickly. This is a third-person action game starring one of the spiciest protagonists of all time. Garcia Hotspur is a demon hunter who manages to irritate the Lord of Hell, and thus he abducts his girlfriend, Paula. So of course, Garcia must grab his Johnson (his demon cohort) and head into the nether realm to save her. The plot is wild and full of copious amounts of dick jokes. Seriously, this game is like an eight-hour dick joke. It is wild.
MSRP: $24.99
Platforms: Xbox (reviewed), PlayStation, Switch, PC
Price I’d Pay: $24.99
First and foremost, this is definitely a remaster and NOT a remake. This is evident right out of the gate. This is the same core game with some increased resolution, and that is about it. This doesn’t mean it isn’t worth the price though. The cheaper than normal asking price and what has been done here is more than fair. For starters the game is only $24.99, which is the perfect price point. They have also upgraded the frame rate to 60fps, and it holds it…most of the time. There are drops here and there, but nothing game breaking. It is now 4K and there are a few new costumes, but that is where things kind of end.
That being said though, this game is something I have been calling out for years for more people to check it out. It really is a wild ride that I have never really found anything else like it. There are moments that have resonated with me since its release, and now it is available on all modern platforms, and everything should check it out. There is just something special about this game, even hidden behind its jank. There are still issues with aiming and some legacy control issues common at that time, but they are easy to get accustomed to.
It is also refreshing that this game is just what is advertised. It isn’t a 40-hour open world slog. This is a third-person action title at its core. Garcia has three different weapons, there are some unique levels throughout the game, but this is basically just an action game with interesting concepts and plots. It is an experience. It isn’t trying to be more than the sum of its parts. It doesn’t out stay its welcome. It ends when it needs to and varies the game play just enough to keep it interesting from start to finish. The Big Boner sections are still frustrating as heck though.
Shadows of the Damned is the definition of a cult classic. The game is just fun, and I adore the wackiness I expect from Suda51 mixed with the core game design from MIkami. Toss in the excellent voice acting and score, and you have a game that should be a household name. Do not skip this title for a second time. Give it a shot, I promise you will play nothing else like it…ever.
Review copy of game provided by publisher.