A garbage scow that should be hauled away
This review makes me both incredibly sad and incredibly angry as I type it. I could talk for hours about Star Trek, especially Deep Space Nine. That show did such a tremendous job with Benjamin Sisko; a grieving, single father who was also black. Avery Brooks did such a wonderful job exploring the many layers of the character and…see I am getting side tracked. I have already reviewed the Steam version of Star Trek Legends, which launched back in April of 2024. At the time I gave it a 3, it pained me then and now with the Xbox port; that pain is even worse.
MSRP: $19.99
Platforms: Xbox (reviewed), PlayStation, Switch, PC
Price I’d Pay: I wouldn’t, avoid it.
If you didn’t know, Star Trek Legends is a GACHA type game but without the need to spend money for each draw. These games typically have a large cast of characters and would basically charge the player to draw from said pool of characters in the hopes that good ole RNGesus will bestow his bounty upon them. Well Legends remove the pay feature, so players only have to pay for the cost of the game, (which at the time of this is $11.99) and I am not going to lie…. even that is too much to spend.
Where to even begin… I wasn’t able to put a lot of time into Star Trek Legends on Xbox, and that isn’t because I wasn’t trying. This game has SO MANY ISSUES, it crashes, freezes, graphics are full of ‘jaggies’, honestly the game is just a mess. With the little bit I was able to play, I can confirm that the campaign and everything has caried over from the previous versions. Players will take their teams of 4 characters built from throughout the franchises almost 60-year history. Each character has different abilities and classes and players will need to think about this when build the perfect squad. When it works, this is a pretty simplistic, stress-free game. I can’t emphasize the ‘when it works’ part enough though, it became frustrating long before it becomes fun to play.
The PC/Steam version was plagued with issues and from reading notes in the forum it seems the developer has abandoned the game. This while saga is wild, the PC version is developed by Emerald City Games, seemingly this latest console release was developed by Qubic Games. Whom after some looking, seems to specialize in porting mobile games to console. Sigh, I weep for my fellow Star Trek fans; as I fear we will never see the days where there were good games in our favorite sci-fi franchise.
This game is a hot mess in space. I don’t even know what is redeeming about it, I guess that its Star Trek but even that isnt enough; and I am a HUGE Trekkie. As I said it verges on being unplayable, oh and I haven’t even told you the BEST PART. This game HAS DLC, yup; for $1.99 players can purchase packs of characters who aren’t obtainable any other way. Which means for all you completionists you will be forced to buy 5 DLC packs. I JUST WANT A GOOD STAR TREK GAME… I do not understand why this is so hard. But just know this aint it, if you are a fan of the franchise like I I am, just know: “these are not the droids you are looking for”
Review copy of game provided by publisher.