Ready, Aim…FIRE.
Strikers Edge, from developer Fun Punch Games, is as simple a concept as they come. On a basic level, the game is basically dodgeball: the player lines up against an opponent and must strike them with projectiles, whilst taking care to dodge those coming in their direction. Strikers Edge adopts a medieval motif in order to provide a little extra personality to this simple formula; providing a line-up of eight heroes (the titular ‘strikers’) who hurl feudal weapons at each other as opposed to, you know…balls.
Bob and weave.
Given the concept, the mechanics in Strikers Edge are unsurprisingly simple and revolve around throwing and dodging various projectiles. There are a few nuances: each hero has a stamina meter, the ability to block up to three times, and a unique charged attack. Players must stick to their half of the playing field, but there are a number of different arenas that have their own obstacles which act as cover.
Platforms: PC, PS4
MSRP: $14.99
While each hero is accompanied by their own (very) short campaign, the online and local multiplayer is likely to be the main draw for players. In terms of ambience, Strikers Edge has a nice soundtrack and retro graphics which both compliment the simple gameplay.
Until the fun stops.
The game is very easy to just pick up and play, which is certainly appealing. There is also the sense that Strikers Edge really takes some time to master, in order to seamlessly aim, throw and dodge. The game definitely has some nuances to its combat; but it will take a patient gamer to make the most of them.
However, that simplicity may also be the biggest drawback for Strikers Edge. Whilst the game does keep things refreshingly basic, it lacks a definitive edge. Whilst my time playing Strikers Edge was engaging enough, there is nothing particularly memorable about this game and nothing that makes me feel particularly compelled to revisit it. If Fun Punch Games see the appeal of Strikers Edge as lying in its pick-up-and-play, online/local competitive match-ups, that lack of urgency in terms of replay value strikes this reviewer as a bit problem (pun intended).
Thanks for playing.
All in all, Strikers Edge is a moderately fun game with limited long-term appeal. It’s sincere enough but, ultimately, rather forgettable.
Review copy of game provided by publisher.