Tiny & Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers Review


Cut some rocks, save the world, get your pants back.

I recently had the chance to play a game that combined unique play with a quirky art style. Made by a small indie team, Tiny and Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers has a strange title, but don’t let it fool you. The game is as unique as its name.

You play as Tiny, a short nerdy fellow that is on a quest to find his special pants that have been stolen by Big. Big has taken them to a large pyramid in the desert. Players will come to find out that the pants have some mysterious powers that allow the user to gain the powers of telepathy. Now, Tiny along with his buddy, The Radio, must stop Big from taking over the world with the power of the pants.

Take that, you evil rock!

The game is essentially a platforming game with a twist. The game is completely physics based. Tiny has a laser cutter that can cut through rocks and other pieces of the environment. You can cut in any direction that you choose. He is also equipped with a grappling hook and a rocket launcher. These allow Tiny to pull or push pieces he has cut in order to make new platforms and gain access to new areas.

That’s about all you really do in the game. You’ll spend your time finding new locations to reach and, later on, using your cutter to stop incoming attacks from Big. It’s a simple formula that works and never gets old through to four hours of game play. You may say that’s not a very long game, but its to the title’s advantage. If it were longer, the game play mechanics would get old.

There are multiple collectables to pick up throughout the levels, and you are judged on your performance at the end of each section of the game. There are also some hidden challenges you can play that involve the game mechanics. There is a little replay value, but even then, you may only play this game once.

I really like the unique art style and presentation. It has a comic book feel with the exaggerated words that pop on the screen when something falls. It reminds me a bit of Adventure Time’s look and strange premise. The music is well done and the music seems like licensed songs from unknown artists playing through The Radio’s speakers. It sets the mood and overall tone of the game very well.

Sometimes all you need is a rope, a rock and your dreams.

The title allows for controller use. It works great with the Xbox 360 controller, and the menus are even set up for it too. Both control schemes work well with the mechanics, and you’re never left forgetting what a button does.

The game could have used a little voice acting since there isn’t much dialog in the game. It would have enhanced the experience over the grunts and other noises. Also, the physics are a little wonky at times and can end up getting you killed. If something falls on Tiny, no matter how small or how slow the object is moving, it will kill you. The checkpoints aren’t too generous either. It got a little rough in some spots.

Overall, I think Tiny and Big is a decent little experience. The game play never wears out its welcome, and the presentation is unique. There are some small quips with the game, but for ten dollars, you can get a fun experience with some replay value.

Review copy of game provided by publisher.

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Drew is the Community Manager here at ZTGD and his accent simply woos the ladies. His rage is only surpassed by the great one himself and no one should stand between him and his Twizzlers.