The game that keeps giving, Tropical Slots Deluxe is the very fruit festive gambling application created by Battery Acid Games. Tropical Slots Deluxe is the virtual slot machine that makes you feel rich and lucky even after paying insane amounts of bills.
This single player game is very intuitive, to win you want three of a kind of any of the tropical fruits whether it be King Coconut, Queen of the Mango, or Wild Pineapple – riches are definitely in your future. Before you begin you are given some money to begin with and with this money you can bet from one dollar to however much money you have. Once you have selected the amount you wish to bet you then pull the lever and select either the “Stop left” button or “Stop all” button which will stop the slots from rotating and you get to see the results of you either winning big or losing bet by bet, and don’t worry, this isn’t one of those games where you run out of money and it tells you that you can easily have another five hundred dollars to bet if you just put in your credit card number and get charged ten dollars, the game is set up to once you gamble away all your money you have the option to reset to one hundred dollars of credit. This way the gamblers can always continue gambling and losing money and never have it hurt their pocket.

When playing this game I found nothing that I didn’t like about it. Since it is a simple game there should be less things that could go wrong with a game like this, which is fantastic (it is always disappointing to play a game that you can continuously find problems with). I am pleased to tell you that this game has nothing that I find wrong with it. Unlike the common slot games, Tropical Slots Deluxe is made with very creative graphics that makes the game so crisp and clear and easy to understand, pay attention to and enjoy. I had no crashing or glitch problems with this application which makes the game all the better, no one wants a crashing game, especially one that you can gamble money on.
Tropical Slots Deluxe is a fully compatible application which means the same version works on Apples iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. No matter what game you play it on it will look absolutely amazing from the crisp and clear graphics and smooth gaming. Not to mention the summer like feeling you get just looking at all those tropical fruits.
Altogether this game is a very nice, simple game to have when you want something to do to pass time. Definitely worth your money when you want a small, fun and never ending game to play. Be cautious though, this game can be very addicting to those who really enjoy to gamble and test their luck.
Review copy provided by publisher.