The Force is strong with this table.
Now, I haven’t seen Rogue One as of yet, but being the pinball reviewer for the site, I end up playing the new Zen Pinball table based around the blockbuster movie. Zen Studios knows how to do pinball, and I seem to enjoy practically every table that comes out. Rogue One is one fantastic table all pinball fans should own.
Platforms: PS3, 360, XB1, PS4, iOS, Vita
MSRP: $3.99
Price I’d pay: $3.99
It has a well designed structure with two main lanes that are rather easy to hit and a bumper field in the very top of the table. One great thing I found about this table is it was actually rare for my ball to fall into the outside bottom lanes resulting in a ball lost. This is something I can’t say about many Zen Pinball tables. There are also multiple magnet saves that can be activated as well.
The missions are simple enough, and actually rack in a ton of points making high scores really high and easy to obtain. I had one of my longest runs ever on this table, and it felt so satisfying to get into that moment where every shot was perfect. There is one event that has players hitting a moving target that is rather easy to hit that can offer up a million points or more per hit.
The presentation is once again well done, with tons of classic Star Wars sounds and visuals popping in at the right moments. Like I said, I haven’t seen the movie, but I’m guessing a lot of the dialog and mission structure comes right out of the movie itself. The main song used is well composed and really gives off that classic Star Wars feel.
Wild West Rampage is still my favorite table by Zen Studios, but Rogue One is easily tied with Venom for my number two spot in the entire Zen Pinball repertoire. Any fan of Zen Pinball should not hesitate to pick this one up. It really is one of the standout tables in the library. I highly suggest it.
Review copy of game provided by publisher.