The fall rush is in full swing and the guys break down the latest releases including Resistance 3 and Radiant Silvergun. Games Covered: Resistance 3 Rise of Nightmares The Gunstringer Renegade Ops Rad...
When Gambus is away the boys will play. Biscuits with mustard on them and plenty of inappropriate jokes ensue. Games Covered: BloodRayne Betrayal Dead Island Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland W...
This week Mike tells his tales of a CoD XP weekend while Gambus plays people-eating worm games. Games Covered: Dead Island Crimson Alliance Ugly Americans Tropico 4 Deus Ex: Human Revolution Disgaea 4...
An epic discussion about November NPD predictions leads to some interesting conversation as the guys prepare for the Fall rush. Games Covered: Madden NFL 12 Deus Ex: Human Revolution Rock of Ages Disg...
More embargoes lift while several others remain as the guys discuss the biggest releases for this week. Games Covered: Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Deus Ex: Human Revolution El Shaddai No M...
The guys discuss two new HD collections and how awesome boss battle music can be when sung by Ian Gillan. Games Covered: God of War Origins Collection ICO/Shadow of the Colossus Collection Toy Soldier...
The guys have a blast this week as they prepare for the holiday rush discussing collector’s editions, giant boxes and so much more. Games Covered: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet Ash Dragon Age I...
Summer is in full effect and the heat is obviously having a strong effect on the guys’ ability to cope with Arnold. Games Covered: Call of Juarez: The Cartel Dragon Age 2: Legacy From Dust Cathe...
The crew forms the head of Voltron this week as they discuss the latest games during the Summer lull. Games Covered: Catherine Captain America: Super Soldier Bastion Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team The Ass...
This week the Gambus State of Nintendo Address, Bill Cosby Pokemon, 80s witches and so much more insanity. Games Covered: Catherine Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Dy...