The middle parts of a story focused title like the Wolf Among Us are difficult to review.
After all, this is like watching act two of a play and trying to give that individual experience its own score and critique.
Instead, I’ll keep this short and concentrate on the factors which I’ve condensed into three simple questions.
Is the story still interesting? Absolutely.
Are there any significant new element worthy of note? Nope.
Is the quality still held high to its previous standards? Mostly, yes.
Those are the questions worth asking and answering, but I will elaborate on them a little bit while doing my best not to spoil anything.
The plot picks off after episode 1’s shocking cliffhanger.I’m sure I speak for basically everyone when I say that I was left at the edge of my seat during the closing moments of episode one, and it has been a long wait to see just exactly what would happen next.
I can safely say that my jaws were on the floor within the first ten minutes, as a shocking revelation is made that twisted my previous train of thoughts into an unsavory pretzel of dead ends.
Still, I applaud the folks at TellTale for their curve ball, and ask that they keep them coming, as there’s nothing I delight in more than being fooled by an interesting mystery with depth to spare.
There is also the token action scene, which plays out more or less the way we’re all familiar with, and while they are less common in episode two, their infrequent nature did not bother me much since I didn’t find them all that essential in the first place.
Unlike the first episode, which was basically devoid of any bugs what so ever, I noticed a handful of graphical glitches of things flickering in the background when they shouldn’t be, and a few animations behaving a tad bit awkwardly.
While it’s not a huge blow to the overall quality of the title, it’s still worth noticing, as one would hope that there wouldn’t be a degradation in the quality as the episodes rolled on.
There is also no new game play mechanic to speak of, and it very much feels like a continuation of episode 1, which is just fine but perhaps a bit disappointing for those who were wondering if they had some new tricks up their sleeves.
Old places, new faces.The most important thing is that while I wasn’t in as much of a shock when I got to the cliffhanger at the end of this episode, I was left wanting more, and if episode three was installed and ready to go, there is no doubt in my mind that I would’ve happily played on.
Nothing else needs to be said.
Fun Tidbit – The way Bigby treats people plays a bigger role in this episode but as to what length remains to be seen.
Review copy of game provided by publisher. Primary play on PC.