Run, jump, and shoot your way to victory in Brink, Bethesda’s new objective-based shooter. is hosting an XBox 360 Brink Game Night on Thursday, May 12th 2011 from 8:30pm EST to 10:30pm EST hosted by Drew (T: @DMLFury, GT: FrustratedFury) and Mike (T: @mmmfutter, GT: PaladinXII). Interested in joining us? Send a friend request to FrustratedFury and PaladinXII (be sure to send a message, too, letting them know that you want to play in the Game Night). Of course, join in our Twitter conversations and check out the reviews and news on the site.
We’ll also be joining up with Front Towards Gamer later in May for a larger Brink Game Night. Hone your skills with the ZTGD crew and then take your game to our friends at FTG. See you on the field… MEDIC!