What’s better than bacon? FREE bacon, of course!
Uber Entertainment is taking a big step forward with the Monday Night Combat franchise with the introduction of Super Monday Night Combat at PAX Prime 2011. The new game will be free to play and feature more skills, more Pros, new arenas in realistic environments, and new gameplay focused on strategy over brute force. Uber Entertainment is approaching Super Monday Night Combat as a service platform, rather than a standalone game, so players can expect regular balancing and improvements along with new features and expanded content.
The beta will begin soon with a full release hitting during winter 2011/2012.
We’ve got the official announcement and game play trailers along with screenshots below. Can you hear the bacon sizzle?
I thinjs its tine to let this awesome game to be known to the world a little but more, eat asian gamers dont know much about this game and i have to explain them. And after told them everything about the game, they got exited.