Author: Michael Futter

Mike is the Reviews Editor and former Community Manager for this fine, digital establishment. You can find him crawling through dungeons, cruising the galaxy in the Normandy, and geeking it out around a gaming table.

Mostly Aliens: Colonial Marines Comes at Night… Mostly

I’m going to level with you. Most of the time, it’s very hard to write compelling previews of a game when we don’t actually get to lay hands on the controller. When I had the chance ...[Read More]

Orcs Must Die 2 will Trap Your Interest

If you have played Orcs Must Die, or have simply read Ken’s review of the original, you know that it’s an addicting twist on the Tower Defense genre. Blending the stylings of a light-heart...[Read More]

Into the Heart of Darkness with Spec Ops: The Line (Hands On)

“So… why another military shooter?” You’d think that question might rankle a developer, but Cory Davis, Lead Designer of Spec Ops: The Line was actually eager to answer it. ...[Read More]

Ain’t No Rest for Gearbox – Borderlands 2 Preview

Ain’t no rest for the wicked… These words have become synonymous with Gearbox’s epic first person shooter/RPG hybrid, and it seems, the studio that brought Duke Nukem back to life has take...[Read More]

XCOM: EU is the Alien Invasion You’ve Been Waiting For

Who knew that after all of these years that it would be Firaxis quietly infiltrating the minds, hearts and souls of PAX East 2012 attendees. Not only are they rolling out the most comprehensive (and e...[Read More]

Drinkbox Bringing Luchador Laughs with Guacamelee (Hands On)

Somehow, we’re living again in the age of killer 2D platformers. Drinkbox is bringing their own version to the party with their new title, Guacamelee. Featuring an art style that evokes traditio...[Read More]

Klei’s New Ninja Game Hits the Mark (Hands On)

Going into PAX East 2012, there was a list of games that were on my “must see” list. Certainly, those all managed to meet my expectations. However, there was one game in particular that wa...[Read More]

Max Payne 3 Aims to be Sophisticated and Cinematic (Hands On)

Oh, Max. It is darn good to have you back. Time… well… it hasn’t been kind. Addicted to booze and painkillers and down on your luck, you’ve got another chance to make things ri...[Read More]

Quantum Conundrum Will Play with Your Mind (Time… and Space)

Tucked away in the Square Enix media lounge was a demo for Quantum Conundrum, a new title from Kim Swift, one of the eight people on the original Portal team. The game is a light-hearted, physics-base...[Read More]

Hitman Absolution Caters to the Assassin in You (Preview)

I had the opportunity to see a developer walkthrough of Hitman: Absolution here at PAX East, and the game is shaping up to be the most flexible and accessible entry in the series. The level we saw tak...[Read More]