Author: Cathlin Sentz

Age of Empires: Mythologies

Strategy returns to the DS with positive results. The follow-up to 2006’s Age of Empires: Age of Kings, Mythologies joins the growing library of turn-based strategy titles for the DS. New develo...[Read More]

Afro Samurai

The best search for No. 2 you will ever encounter. Afro Samurai is based on the story arc of the anime by the same name and loosely follows a handful of episodes that have Afro looking for his own fat...[Read More]

Age of Booty

I know what everyone is thinking…it’s about time! Sometimes the most successful formula for creating an addictive strategy game is simplicity. Capcom’s latest downloadable title Age ...[Read More]

A Kingdom for Keflings

NinjaBee delivers yet another quirky and charming title. Reminiscent of Settlers, NinjaBee’s A Kingdom for Keflings will have you collecting and managing resources to build an empire, and though...[Read More]

1942 Joint Strike

The best shooter currently available on the service. I’m gonna be completely honest; when the rest of the staff began raving about the return of 1942 I was skeptical. Having never played the ori...[Read More]