Author: Cathlin Sentz

Slam Bolt Scrappers Preview

Super Smash Bros, Castle Crashers, Tower Defense and Tetris walk into a bar… Hidden off on one of the Indie Alleys of PAX was Fire Hose Games’ Slam Bolt Scrappers, and like so many indie t...[Read More]

NeoDefender 2

I wouldn’t buy it if it was free. Sometimes I’m puzzled by a non-puzzling game, and I start to wonder if I am just plain missing something – like the good times. Back to the menu I go to review ...[Read More]

E3 2010: Interview with Perfect World Entertainment

Big thank you to the Perfect World E3 team, and to Product Manager Jon Belliss for taking the time to answer our questions! ZTGD Can you briefly explain the relationship of PWE to PW in China, and the...[Read More]

Penny Arcade and Used Games: Legality & Morality

The eternal debate hits home. Full disclosure, I’m a little uncomfortable writing this. I like reading Penny Arcade, I’ve met the people-shaped components that make up the now monolithic P...[Read More]

Torchlight II

Did you play Torchlight? No? Then first things first, go play it. Back? Now you can show the proper enthusiasm: I’m going to tell you about Torchlight II. Developed by some of the same folks tha...[Read More]


Please be patient, the world is ending. Go take your favorite post-apocalyptic open world game, pick up the crafted universe of Bioshock, make some smoochy sounds and out comes a beautiful screaming b...[Read More]

Dragon Age 2

More than just another digit. Before getting our hands on the game we were given our Dragon Age 2 lessons. Seated in a room at their booth a fresh batch of gamers were taught the three tenets of the g...[Read More]


Hands-on with Bethesda’s latest. Going into the BRINK demo at PAX I can’t say I entertained more than an idle curiosity in the game. I didn’t even know much about it, really, and thi...[Read More]

Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer

While at PAX I got a second chance to visit the most ill-conceived meeting booth of all time – you know, the one next to the Harmonix booth. This time Funcom’s Craig Morrison, Executive Pr...[Read More]

More Zombies?!

Shred the undead with Bob, the bullet delivery system. Do you find yourself in need of more zombies? Has Pocket Monkey Games got the survival shooter for you. In the cunningly titled More Zombies?! yo...[Read More]