Author: John Whitehouse

News Editor/Reviewer, he also lends his distinct British tones to the N4G Radio Podcast. When not at his PC, he can be found either playing something with the word LEGO in it, or TROPICO!!!

Plants vs. Zombies

The classic finally comes to XBLA. If you haven’t heard of Plants vs. Zombies by now, you must have been living on the moon. Popcap’s take on the tower defence genre has already found mass...[Read More]

Pinball FX 2

Insert joke about excellent ball control here. Having never played a pinball simulator before, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Hell, I haven’t even played a real pinball machine in over twenty years! It...[Read More]

Qlione Evolve

Like flOw without the fun. This may be one of the hardest reviews I have ever had to write. Not because I’m having trouble finding the words to describe Qlione, but because I’m having trou...[Read More]

Hypership Out of Control

I’d buy that for a dollar! Hypership is a retro style shooter game, where you’re hurling through space picking up speed as you progress. You have to avoid or shoot any obstacles that cross...[Read More]

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1

Sonic returns to his roots. Those of us of an older age (me included) can remember the time Sonic came in to our lives. It was a time of fun, a time of innocence, a time of… well you get the pic...[Read More]

Dream Chronicles

Not as dreamy as you might hope. Dream Chronicles is a point and click hidden object/puzzle game for the Xbox 360 and PS3. Originally released on PC, the publishers decided to port it over to the cons...[Read More]

FIFA Soccer 11

You’ve come a long way baby. Now, chances are if you are reading this review you already own one of EA’s previous FIFA games and have come to find out if it is worth shelling out for the l...[Read More]

Toy Soldiers: Invasion!

Batteries and variety not included. Toy Soldiers was originally released back in March of this year. A Tower Defence game at its core, it also gave you the ability to take control of any of your weapo...[Read More]