Author: Laura Cawley

Laura has been gaming from a young age, growing up with a Sega Mega Drive. She is a massive Sonic fan, and will argue that the best game of all time is Sonic Spinball. Playing puzzle games gives her a metaphorical hard on, but she enjoys most game genres.

Terraria (Console) Review

Laura digs into the newest PC-to-console craze with Terraria. Find out how it translates to a controller in our full review.

Joe Danger 2: The Movie Review

Joe Danger makes his way back onto the PSN. Does the adventure hold up? Our review.

Worms Revolution Review

The Worms franchise is still going strong. Find out how the latest fares in our full review.

Resident Evil: HD Chronicles Review

Capcom brings the Chronicles Collection to PS3 with Move support. Is it worth the effort?

Babel Rising Review

The popular iOS God-game is finally on consoles with motion control. Is it worth it?

Bang Bang Racing Review

If you can handle the camera, this isn't a bad little racer. Read Laura's full review inside.

Rock of Ages Review

Laura rolls out her review of Atlus' quirky rock-rolling tower defense game for PSN.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 Review

Laura takes Sonic's latest journey for a ride. Can it fix the issues with the first game? Find out inside.

Fez Review

For what is a very reasonable price of 800MSP, Fez is a game that will give you hours of gameplay. There are still questions unanswered, even with the collective mind of the internet...