Author: Greg Baron

Shogun 2: Total War Review

I was out of the loop when the first Shogun: Total War came out and by the time I found out of its existence, after the release of Rome: Total War, I just couldn't go back and play it.

Odion’s Opinion: Motion Controllers Don’t Work for Strategy Games

This is a topic I’ve been stewing on for a while, and I finally feel like it’s time to throw it out there. A lot of people have seen the rise of motion controllers as a sign that strategy ...[Read More]

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Review

If, ever in my life, I can say that I was addicted, it would have been three weeks ago when the shakes and sweats became too much and I bought the latest World of Warcraft expansion. I thought I had k...[Read More]

Odion’s Opinion: Super Development

Are the massive games really that massive? Another two weeks have passed and it’s time for another Odion’s Opinion. I’d like to first say thank you to the readers, I got such overwhe...[Read More]

Red Faction: Armageddon

A symphony of destruction. I was a big fan of the first two Red Faction titles, as a kid I remember thinking the idea of blowing up a wall or a floor to get through a level was the coolest idea in the...[Read More]

Portal 2

You are a monster! So there I was standing in this dark appointment room, about to take part in my most anticipated meeting of E3 when I am almost crushed by a legion of…. writers who want to sn...[Read More]

Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Gonna take you for a ride…again. Before I actually get into the preview I need to say this right off the bat. Marvel vs. Capcom blows Street Fighter 4 so far out of the water that we’re st...[Read More]

Crysis 2

Time to strap on Nanosuit 2.0. “Holy Crap” were the only words that left my mouth as the demo for Crysis 2 ended and with good reason. Crytek isn’t just creating a sequel they are bu...[Read More]


1,243,733 ways to die. As the lights dimmed and we sat through the short tutorial video that explained what Bulletstorm was all about I couldn’t help but get excited, I felt like a kid again abo...[Read More]

Battlefield Heroes

Doo Da Doo Doo, Da Doo Da Doo Doo! Battlefield is a series which a lot of PC gamers hold dear to their hearts, 1942 is still played by a ton of people but when D.I.C.E. decided to turn their attention...[Read More]

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