
Prehistoric Isle Review

Prehistoric Isle, a new mini for the PS3 and PSP brought to us by the wonderful SNK, is actually not a bad little title to spend some time playing. You play as a fighter pilot in the 1930s tasked with...

Corpse Party Review

If you are an aged individual like me, you might remember a series of books called "Choose Your Own Adventure". These books featured branching paths that readers could follow...

Metal Slug 2 Review

Is there any platform the Metal Slug series is not on? I will be straightforward and tell you that I never played Metal Slug in an upright cabinet, but I did play it on the Playstation, Playstation 2...

King of Fighters ’96 Review

The King of Fighters has been around for a very long time. It’s one of the few fighting games that can hold its own against the likes of Capcom’s Street Fighter serie...

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2 – Innocent Sin Review

Atlus has done a fantastic job giving us quality role playing games over the past decade in the form of the Persona series. Most people have heard of and adore Persona 3 and Persona 4, but many...

World Heroes Review

Back in the day, Street Fighter II was the king. There is no denying that fact. So, as you can imagine, there were a few fighting games that came out during this time that tried to earn glory...

ClaDun x2 Review

Last year, we got ourselves a nice little dungeon crawler that was surprisingly deep in RPG elements with a neat action combat feel. That game was NIS’s ClaDun: This is an RPG! Now, w...

God of War: Origins Collection Review

As I finished up my play through of Ghost of Sparta, I realized that I had completed every game in the God of War anthology on one console. This is one of the things I love about this generation...

Reviewer Rodeo: The Whole World in our Hands

Welcome to the ZTGD Reviewer Rodeo. Each week, we’ll grab on to the hottest issue, hold on for dear life, and wrassle it to the ground. Now that we know for certain that the Vita isn’t sch...

Pool Hall Pro Review

Billiards. The gentleman's sport. It's played all over the world. It takes patience, skill, and planned tactics to succeed in the game. Practically everyone knows the game itself...