
Was EA’s Move to Withdraw Games from Steam Ill Advised?

I often feel like digital distribution is in the stage of its evolution where it is finally flopping onto land, gasping its first breath of fresh air. That poor creature, still trying to figure out wh...

Reviewer Rodeo: E3 – Heads Held High or Hung Low?

Now that E3 has stormed through the gaming community raising (and dashing) hopes, the ZTGameDomain crew is ready with our personal opinions on the proceedings. This is just the tip of the iceberg as w...

E3 2011: The Sony Conference

Expectations were high going into Sony’s E3 2011 Presser. Would they address the PSN downtime headon? Would there be any games that haven’t already be announced? Would we get a price and r...

Snake? Snake! SNAAAAAAAAAAAAKE (in 3D)

To kick off their Pre-E3 show, Konami showed more of their previously-announced Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D. New details revealed include a “photo-camo” system that will allow users to make their...

Reviewer Rodeo: DLC – Yeah, You Know Me!

One of the major innovations of this generation has been downloadable content. Whether bringing new stories to single-player campaigns, fresh killing grounds for online sport, or simply some new cloth...

Reviewer Rodeo: Friends with Benefits

Whether you crave the yearly Call of Duty game, will be playing Starcraft 2 for years, prefer a one-on-one fighting experience, or simply want to be left alone when you game, this generation has somet...

Reviewer Rodeo: Achievement Unlocked

Achievement Unlocked! Whether you’re an Xbot or a proud member of the Sony Defense Force, that little sound notifying you of a new achievement or trophy is likely to put a smile on yo...

Reviewer Rodeo: A Generation of Innovations

Even though the PSN is still the hottest topic, we're taking a detour to focus on more positive things. As we inch toward the next console generation, we're taking a look at the innovations...

Reviewer Rodeo: The Great PSN Outage of 2011

Welcome to the ZTGD Reviewer Rodeo. Each week, we’ll grab on to the hottest issue, hold on for dear life, and wrassle it to the ground. Error 80710A06. The Playstation Network is down for mainte...

Reviewer Rodeo: NetherRealm vs. Capcom – Fate of Content

GET OVER HERE! You may not have heard, but a new Mortal Kombat released this past week. Critics and fans alike are raving over the refined fighting mechanics, the return to 2D, tons of content...